Tuesday, January 6, 2009


so i'm realizing nobody reads this and am quite okay with it.

i saw doubt today.

good. so good. so very, truly, too good.

i rarely see performances that good. so convincing.

and i like how the convincing performances are always the hard to watch performances.

they're always the gut wrenching ones.

i've been thinking a lot about this film. about what i think. about what the writer was trying to say.

assuming he was trying to say something.

and i have to process it some more. there was a lot there.

the folks in it better get some oscars. or at least several nods.


  1. I read this. I check it a lot. You should actually update more often.

  2. peter, this is klay, first time reader, i enjoy the blog and will have to make a point to visit more often. i wish i could see "doubt" but i live in a crap town and have no money, i somehow am going to have to watch a lot more movies before the oscars, have you seen "slumdog millionaire?"

  3. Keeping searching for that dream. You'll find it one day.

  4. i don't know what you mean by that dream, mr. anonymous. but i shall.

    and klay, i will actually be viewing slumdog this friday. i'm sure i'll have something to say about it.

  5. i can't read, but if i could, i would read your blog. fortunately i can spell, but not read. good for you, bad for me. or the other way around.
